Thursday, June 18, 2020

Ruby's Exctinct Animal Animation.

We were learning about how to make an exctinct animal animation out of shapes.
I found it easy to duplicate and crop to make shapes.
I found it hard to group the characters, move them into the right place and getting enough slides.
I really enjoyed getting the scene set up, creating the story and making my characters.
Next time I need to maybe make some more slides and add more detail so it makes sense.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Ruby's Hello and Goodbye Poem.

My animal

We were learning about how to make an exctinct animal and my exctinct animal is a Mosasaurus.
I found it easy to get the shapes out and to get the texture.
I found it hard to try and arrange the shapes so that it actually looked like a Mosasaur.
I really enjoyed being creative and choosing my exctinct animal.